
Yant 9 peaks

The yant 9 peaks represents the nine peaks of the mythical mountain of the Gods, Mount Meru.

9 Buddhas represented, with each Buddha bestowing special powers or spells.

The yant 9 peaks will protect the wearer against evil spirits and all forms of “Black Magic”.


Yant 5 rows

Yant five rows yantra , represents 5 magical spells.

1. The first row prevents unjust punishment and leans in your favour.
2. The second row reverses and protects against bad horoscope constellations and bad fortune.
3. The third row protects you from the use of black magic and anyone who tries to put a curse on you.
4. The fourth row energizes your good luck, success and fortune in your future ambitions and life style.
5. The fifth row is to gain charisma and attraction to the opposite sex.


Yant 5 rows & twin birds

This Yant is of the Maha Saneh variety and is known to increase attractiveness which is useful, especially in romantic encounters.
It is also said to be effective in job interviews, press conferences or important meetings.


Yant 5 rows & lotus flower

Yant Five Rows lotus Flower
This yant has both the 5 rows and Lotus powers.


Yant 5 rows & moon

Yant Five Rows & moon
This yant has both the 5 rows and moon.


Yant 5 rows diamond

Yant five rows diamond.

5 rows The five rows yantra represent yant  of magical spells.

It blesses the bearers with success, charm, loving kindness, good luck and protection from evil spirits.
It has a similar meaning to anotherYant 5 rows but 5 rows diamonds is more powerful by interconnecting all magical spells together.


Yant diamond armor

Yant diamond armor.

This yant looks like a shield, so it is believed that it can protect the wearer from black magic and reflect to its origin.
the diamond armor, was placed on the back


Yant diamond armor

Yant the diamond armor Sacred


Yant Buddha yantra

Yant It is believed to support wearers to be loved, promoted, lucky and charming.


Yant 8 directions

This yant represents the eight tips pointed to the eight directions it can protect the wearer from hazards from all directions no matter where they are.


Yant hanuman

This sak yant represents Hanuman carrying a flag which means victory. It is believed that the wearers of this yant will succeed in their lives or works.


Yant talisman

The yant meaning of closed eyes Buddha is to be indifferent to all external temper and emotions. Some experts believe that is a form of evolution through the transformation of the God of Fortune or Sangajayana.


Yant ganesh

Ganesh will bring business and financial prosperity, a Hindus as Vinayaka or Ganapati, has an elephant head.

Meaning Ganesha is the god of art and success, what you hoped for you and you will gets it in soon, him will giving you successfully to you as you wish.


Yant lotus

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